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Addon for professional Czech words learning!


This addon is not supposed to be used with invalid input, it expects always valid input and almost never validates it. You will see unexpected behaviour and confusing errors if you use it with invalid input.


Is not released yet, but you can still install it.

P.S. If you do not want to install Python, I can send a copy of the addon, which doesn’t require Python. That copy just need to be copied to the addons folder.

Install Python#

Firstly, you need to install Python 3.9. There are a lot of instructions in the Internet, you can easily follow them. But note, that Anki supports only 3.9, so other version possibly will not work.

Download the repository#

You can use green Code button or Git. If you have Git on your computer - it’s preferable.

Note that you need to download the repository to the addons folder.

git clone
cd czech-plus

Then create, in the downloaded code folder, file with content:

import sys
from pathlib import Path
import aqt


import czech_plus


Download dependencies#

python3 -m venv ./venv

Then, if you’re on Linux, use source venv/bin/activate and if you use Windows - venv\Scripts\activate.bat (replace .bat in the end with .ps1, if you use PowerShell instead of cmd).

And finally you need to actually install the dependencies:

vendoring sync

Done! Just restart Anki and everything should work.

Installing for local developing#

git clone
cd czech-plus

Installing poetry#

Next we need install poetry with recommended way.

If you use Linux, use command:

curl -sSL | python -

If you use Windows, open PowerShell with admin privileges and use:

(Invoke-WebRequest -Uri -UseBasicParsing).Content | python -

Installing dependencies#

poetry install
poerty run vendoring sync

Adding to Anki#

Then you need to add addon in Anki. Go to Tools -> Add-ons menu item in the main Anki window. Click on the View Files button, and a folder will pop up. If you had no add-ons installed, the top level add-ons folder will be shown. If you had an add-on selected, the add-on’s module folder will be shown, and you will need to go up one level.

There you need to create a new folder (name as you want), and run some commands to sync it with downloaded code:

cd <path to your new folder>
# for Linux
ln -s <path to folder with source code>/czech_plus czech_plus
# for Windows
mklink /J czech_plus <path to folder with source code>/czech_plus

You also need to add a file, near the czech_plus folder, with name and content:

import sys
from pathlib import Path
import aqt


import czech_plus


Then rerun your Anki, and here it is!


All configuration happens in Anki interface. You can also read the file.

If something is not clear#

You can always write me!


If you downloaded with Git, just use git pull. But if it gives some errors or you didn’t download with Git, just do all the instalation steps again.


This project was generated with python-template.


API Reference

Indexes and tables#